Funny, Dodgy photos.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
Brookfield, Vic


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Looking at the voting, its a real mess isn't it.................... at least in QLD its common knowledge its a rort.
As a very young fella, i was wise well beyond my tender years. I smelt a rat and Ive never been on the electoral roll ... ever. My thoughts were/are "why would i want to encourage these spuds"

But now with Millhouse, we finally have some hope


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
But now with Millhouse, we finally have some hope

Are YES, " Hope ", I once had that mythical feeling once with Santa and again with some personna wanting power but alas it was but a dream ................... I still pin it to Santa though.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
One thing worse than not voting, is not being able to vote, which is the fundamental difference between a Denocracy and a Dictatorship.
I think Denocracy is probably more accurate.

Abuses of the separation of powers, preference deals, party factions, non-negotiable party voting rules, unelected beauracrats holding court, an apathetic and uneducated electorate might need a guide dog, a big torch and binoculars to find where this mythical democracy is. If your local MP is a minister you have no voice, if he's a backbencher he has no voice, if your electorate naively voted for the opposing party rep neither you or him have a voice. Voting in this democracy can and regularly does exclude the person with the most votes, and elects the person with the least votes. In 2013 an unemployed guy with a 0.5% primary vote.

In his time as PM John Howard controlled both houses of parliament, he also controlled the Judiciary, he also controlled the Executive. Just for added insult the existence of PM does not appear in the Aust Consitution (ie the law), its a merely an agreement made by an exclusive club of special folk that we are not members of.

Democracy is suppose to seat in parliament but recently Dumbo Dan suspended parliament for more than 6 weeks in one block, so youll forgive me if Im skeptical of this wonderful sounding Briggadoon of democracy which you speak

I abandoned my political and constitutional studies because what was reading in the books was only happening in the books
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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2013
Sunbury VIC.
I think Denocracy is probably more accurate.

Abuses of the separation of powers, preference deals, party factions, non-negotiable party voting rules, unelected beauracrats holding court, an apathetic and uneducated electorate might need a guide dog, a big torch and binoculars to find where this mythical democracy is. If your local MP is a minister you have no voice, if he's a backbencher he has no voice, if your electorate naively voted for the opposing party rep neither you or him have a voice. Voting in this democracy can and regularly does exclude the person with the most votes, and elects the person with the least votes. In 2013 an unemployed guy with a 0.5% primary vote.

In his time as PM John Howard controlled both houses of parliament, he also controlled the Judiciary, he also controlled the Executive. Just for added insult the existence of PM does not appear in the Aust Consitution (ie the law), its a merely an agreement made by an exclusive club of special folk that we are not members of.

Democracy is suppose to seat in parliament but recently Dumbo Dan suspended parliament for more than 6 weeks in one block, so youll forgive me if Im skeptical of this wonderful sounding Briggadoon of democracy which you speak

I abandoned my political and constitutional studies because what was reading in the books was only happening in the books
Dear Leader Comrade Chairman Dictator Dan can be voted out, The alternative method is like in Syria and other dictatorial places.
I do note that there are rumblings of disobedience arising in Victoria, which is to be commended, and should get rid of this despot, if only because the sycophants surrounding him become nervous of a voter backlash.
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