18' Series Free camping


New Member
Jan 24, 2014
We love free camping as there is no check in or check out or bookings. We have some really great location close to home. But always worried being in a uncontrolled area what can happen. Please share any bad experiences you have had free camping or am I just being worried over nothing. Thanks Marty


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2013
Bargo NSW
Worrying over nothing.
I feel safer free camping as I can usually bring my 50kg German Shepherd with me.
But even still, I think there is a higher chance of coming to blows with someone or being in the wrong place wrong time at a caravan park.


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Never had a problem free camping. Only had once when Mrs CR felt uncomfortable at a free camp about 1 Km west of Goolgowi, a small town between Hay and West Wyalong. We pulled well off the road, about 100 m, with no other campers anywhere. Just before dusk a car pulled in and parked around 15 m away from us. No one got out for about 10 minutes then a woman, the only person in the vehicle, got out an lit a cigarette. About 5 minutes later a ute pulled in, stopped beside the car and a guy got out, talked to the woman for a few minutes and then they both left. We had all sorts of ideas what they were about but did not have any problems again.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
We were only discussing this last night. Need to Focus on the good bits of free camping, we love it and have never had an issue so far, but I do apply commonsense. It was interesting last year when we went through Bourke etc to lightening ridge? There was a town where we were advised to stay at the free camp 10-12kms out of town rather than the caravan park. Reasoning being that the Police regularly checked the camp site and it was too far out of town for the drunks to get to, where as the van park wasn't!

My issue to vercome is how you handle security leaving your van at a free camp site to go out for the day? I don't leave valuables in the van and I figure that van theifs aren't going to target remote locations? Maybe just some measures to stop the honest guys?
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Gregory Thomas

New Member
Jun 28, 2014
Hi all
Currently on a road trip around oz and love the idea of Free Camping. We have stayed at a few free or low cost camp sites and have had no bad experiences at all, however have had the unfortunate experience of being told by a lady at an information centre that the camp site I am looking for (by a free camp book) actually doesn't exist. Also not being able to find the road signs/street signs to get to a certain free campsite has resulted in having to book into a caravan park.
This is our first trip and will continue spending time at both free camps and caravan parks.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
We had a few prawn fisherman pull into camp in the Myall Lakes national park .... they prawned and drank, and then prawned and drank. They were pretty noisy and one had a yodel right outside our bed. They were annoying, but harmless enough.

Although I slept thought it, and only found out lunchtime the following day, at about 3am in a road side camp outside Goondiwindi a woman knocked on the door which my partner ignored. I suspect she may have been one of the unfortunate camp folk that set up their tent on about 15ft from a humongous ants nest my son and I found earlier in the afternoon.

Thats our list of pathetically average "horror" free camps. Aside form that, we have found and camped in some terrific places and met some wonderful people. My partner is the original scardy cat, and she is very comfortable with it after a few nervous starts.

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2012
Melbourne, Victoria
Sorry Marty cant help you much. Yes, we have had some less than pleasant experiences. However, they have been out wayed by the good experiences like camping on the banks of the Goulbourn River at Jamesion. Had noisy neighbours but this was balanced by wading in freezing cold water and watching my kids having an absolute ball. A morning at Kurth Kiln that was so cold that the only way to keep my then 2 year old's fingers warm was to hug him. Balance this with, at the same place, helping that same little boy build a pretend bridge. We had a ball.
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Jan 14, 2014
Sth East Melbourne
Never had an issue, although one night we had a very weird experience.

I was camped, in swags, with two mates and my son, in a dry creek bed about 50k north of oodnadatta. We were about 100 metres off the road. One of those outback creek beds that's about 50 metres wide, and full of huge healthy gum trees. There was copious amounts of dead wood on the ground, and animal tracks galore, kangaroo, emu, goanna, and dingo.

We'd set up late in the afternoon, and spent the early evening looking at all the different animal track, and then getting some sunset shots through the gum trees. A really amazing spot. Anyhow we had a great fire going and had a few beers, my son had got to bed, and it was probably approaching 11.00 pm. It was a light night with a huge moon the kind that causes the trees to throw shadows, creating a bit of a spooky feel. We'd only seen a few cars all afternoon come by, and they tended to drive by at about 80 k without slowing down. So at about 11, this Toyota ute drives down the dip in the road, really slow. Of course this gets our attention and we all sort of look up at it and watch it sort of creep by. We were wondering if our fire could have been seen from the road. The ute gets past the turn off into the creek bed, and begins to head up the other side. They maybe 20 metres past the turn of, it just stops.

They sit there for what felt like an eternity, maybe 5 minutes, then drive up the road a bit further. We are all sitting there thinking, that was weird. But then he stops again, and turns into the bush, maybe drives 50 metres in and stops. We all start thinking its a bit sus, and get to talking about how it's a good thing there are three of us. We are sitting there thinking, nobody drives out here and stops at this time of night for good reasons. We are waiting and listening for the car door, and wondering what's next.

Then out of nowhere the car starts and drives away, very weird.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Never had an issue, although one night we had a very weird experience.

I was camped, in swags, with two mates and my son, in a dry creek bed about 50k north of oodnadatta. We were about 100 metres off the road. One of those outback creek beds that's about 50 metres wide, and full of huge healthy gum trees. There was copious amounts of dead wood on the ground, and animal tracks galore, kangaroo, emu, goanna, and dingo.

We'd set up late in the afternoon, and spent the early evening looking at all the different animal track, and then getting some sunset shots through the gum trees. A really amazing spot. Anyhow we had a great fire going and had a few beers, my son had got to bed, and it was probably approaching 11.00 pm. It was a light night with a huge moon the kind that causes the trees to throw shadows, creating a bit of a spooky feel. We'd only seen a few cars all afternoon come by, and they tended to drive by at about 80 k without slowing down. So at about 11, this Toyota ute drives down the dip in the road, really slow. Of course this gets our attention and we all sort of look up at it and watch it sort of creep by. We were wondering if our fire could have been seen from the road. The ute gets past the turn off into the creek bed, and begins to head up the other side. They maybe 20 metres past the turn of, it just stops.

They sit there for what felt like an eternity, maybe 5 minutes, then drive up the road a bit further. We are all sitting there thinking, that was weird. But then he stops again, and turns into the bush, maybe drives 50 metres in and stops. We all start thinking its a bit sus, and get to talking about how it's a good thing there are three of us. We are sitting there thinking, nobody drives out here and stops at this time of night for good reasons. We are waiting and listening for the car door, and wondering what's next.

Then out of nowhere the car starts and drives away, very weird.

Wow @Heath75, the hair on my neck is standing up. I would have been saying "S%$T, theres only three of us!!!" ....... it wasn't John Jarrat was it????


Aug 23, 2014
@Crusty181 OH hahahahah, I got the wolf creek prickles too. SCARY! In my swag Ive always free camped and NEVER had a problem EVER even as a young 19 year old girl with my other girlfriend, we never had any problems. Now as an adult I'm cautios of all the things that "could" happen, but my guess is most of the slow and weird drivers are either doing drug deals or smoking drugs rather then looking for someone to hack up for fun....


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
I have friends who free camp and just leave the van hitch locked and wheel clamp and do day trips. Said never a problem although you need to make sure the place is ok first. Check out other vans, beer cans on ground etc.
This sort of freaks me out leaving the van in a isolated camp site and come back to nothing :( We just spoke to a lady at the tow course yesterday, her last van was stolen from the backyard and behind gates.
What do people do who leave the van for day trips.. do they take it with them and find a spot to leave hitched to car?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2014
G'day @marty18576 and welcome!
I'd like to share a bad experience I've had nearly every time we have been free camping. Quite frankly it's just about put me off the whole bloody experience.

The end of the break, having to go back to work! (I'm sure other members will feel the same)
Seriously I've not had a bad experience.
Usually only stop if others already at the same spot but some spots are more remote. Still, we feel secure enough.
Only disappointment was 150 Meridian FS outside of Gunnedah. Don't bother. Council obviously not RV friendly and have let the site seriously deteriorate. Use Camps 7 when looking for good spots on the road. Others feedback is always good to take notice of.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Camps 7, wiki camps good value and I have also heard the place at Gunnedah had turned sour, Bigara has the best free camp areas by the Gwydir River.
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