East to West Wander


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Starting to sort out a plan to head over to Wait Awhile in 2020, I had started one but its lost so starting again but this time not trying to plan stops or anything, waste of time as I never follow any plan but hope to use the great brain trust here for other info and ideas.

While length of stay is dependant on $$ in pocket time isn't an issue.....roughy idea of 3 mths or more at least.......Places to visit isn't really any drama as we tend to meander everywhere and have enough friends over there to make any plans we make redundant as they will drag us around to their favs, my main thought is timing, good time of year to cross that flat country to escape the wind and to really miss the lemmings, the Nomads who clog up the place, like travelling in QLD we tend to be either well in advance of them or head out as they are heading south.

Plan is to head across the back of NSW to Augusta which could take a week or more then meander over the Nullabor to Albany way and proceed along the coast as far as Geraldton before starting to head back to SA, have no interest in the NW nowadays......

So basically whats the best time to head over where wind and heat isn't an issue.........................lived over there for 12mths but that was 40 years ago, seem to remember it was either nice weather or blowing a bluddy gale.
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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
Augusta is nice anytime over summer, but over the xmas hols it will be packed (dec 14 to Jan28) . Geraldton gets windy just before easter, but then the forecast can say a gale wind and you find theres none. It's hit n miss there, but March is a nice time, still warm but cooling down a bit with the chance of cyclones (or tropical lows) almost non existant.
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