Drovers 14.44.3


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I'm more of a "this is what I want...." type of person
(thats why I'm hopeless at fuel consumption figures - I just fill it up and forget to write it down)

Yep yep, but I do record my fuel figures/ mileage on a trip though, rarely look at them but there there and come in handy for later planning sometimes, rarely plan so it's all academic I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2014
Wonder what the weight difference is , steel to alloy ? more kg than I can afford to add in all probability.

sometimes the weight difference is marginal as to get the same strength in an alloy wheel to a steel wheel more alloy is used.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I know in trucks you can save 400kg by going alloy but thats a hell of a lot of wheels.
When I find a set of 7"rims to suit the van I really won't care if they are alloy or steel, well they will have to look COOL of course. Going for a tyre kick around the wreckers next week looking for a spare tyre winch so will check out the rim situation also.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
I have a program on my Laptop - Nomad Notes
when I have used it - its great...... fuel, accom costs, shopping, trinkets, etc
down side was it was telling me what I didnt want to know - exactly how much I spend when on holidays...............

so I leave the Lappy at home now......;););)

all good and sorted................


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I made the mistake of adding up how much fuel I used on a recent trip and gagged when I saw the result, lts was bad enough but the $$$ was worse, just don't want to know now, or care.
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Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
I have the Nomad Notes and used it for our 3 month trip around WA in 2010 but found it a pain every night to try to remember to record the days info. Haven't used it since but have referred back to it a few times to figure where photos were taken.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
I have the Nomad Notes and used it for our 3 month trip around WA in 2010 but found it a pain every night to try to remember to record the days info. Haven't used it since but have referred back to it a few times to figure where photos were taken.

another reason why the Lappy sits on the table when we go away............
your usually stuffed from the day, need a coffee and a relax - chill out time
and you have to sit there and try and remember everything, and keep receipts for what you have brought............

yeah, was a good idea in theory I suppose

I'm just too lazy to use it properly


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
End of the day, laptop on table beer in hand, feet up and have a good read and laugh on this contagious site. The thought of any sort of diary or calculator doesn't enter my mind, in fact this last trip I hardly took any photo's. Too busy doing or not doing things, like sitting on beach or thinking about fishing.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Just rechecked the markings on my rims and measured them, I get an offset of 80mm the stamp on the rim says ET 6-, is that -6 or -9 ???? I thought they were supposed to be in mm.
Will have to carry a tape with me I think.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
Just rechecked the markings on my rims and measured them, I get an offset of 80mm the stamp on the rim says ET 6-, is that -6 or -9 ???? I thought they were supposed to be in mm.
Will have to carry a tape with me I think.

I think it should be -6
you said they were 7" rims
7 x 24.5 = 171.5,
171.5 / 2 = 85.75 to the center of the rim
you measured 80mm
-6 offset..............

while your laying on the ground looking at the tyres
how much room do you have
1) between outside edge of tyre and inside edge of van fender
2) outside edge of tyre and any brake / etc hanging off the body

depending on how much room you have, will also depend on what other rims can fit

just a thought
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
No they are 6"rims that why I want to go shopping for some 7's, have the spare off getting some measurements for the new rack underneath, will have a look in the wheel well later and see but at a glance it will certainly fit the 235's I want to use, seem to get too much wall movement using the 6"rims with them, the whole thing rocks around.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I have a great neighbour, mentioned that I was looking for a wheel winch and next minute he has one on the bench for me......................his sheds and workshop are a source of constant envy. Now where is that angle iron.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Found the steel I need in my rack/pile, a plan is coming together and it looks like a winner. Might be able to start making music in the shed tomorrow, far better than noisy grass mowing machine's. The grand design will be a combo of vasco pyjama and Capt. Gadgets, well thats the plan but will probably turn out totally differn't, of course like my trips, no plans made just go with the flow.....................................

@Smergen it is so tempting to go next door but I try to keep the scrounging to a minimum, emergency use only, he's an old aircraft buff so we hit it off well, I get interesting stuff from trips for him from Warbirds and such..............good bribes.
Anyone got a copy of Wings Over Wanaka 2004 I need a copy.

The 7"rims are put on hold, couldn't confirm weight loading so will track down some Trak 2 rims then I will know for sure that they are 1200kg.

UPDATE: the Trak 4 rims from ROH are 1120kgs.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
It must be the weekend, pretty noisy in my shed only back a week and nearly ready to roll again.........

Couldn't find a mirror the right size for the Royal Ensuite so mirror tiles will have to do.

Spare tyre is now underneath, used some 3mm C channel with the ends boxed in and bolted onto cross members.


Everything went to plan, nearly, only out by 4 or 5 mm so winder won't go thru chassis rail because a bracket for legs in the way, so short winder with small ratchet on end, it may get a mod later. Have to crawl under but need to anyway as I have fitted a safety cable on wheel as I don't trust these winders, have hit a few in truck when they came away from utes.


and put a tyre on the 7" steel rims that will adorn the rig when I put new springs on it. Forgot about the fun of putting tyres on yourself.


Beer O'clock for sure...........................


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2014
I made the mistake of adding up how much fuel I used on a recent trip and gagged when I saw the result, lts was bad enough but the $$$ was worse, just don't want to know now, or care.

Our recent trip we did 4900km and use 1050 litres of diesel. At least the price is down a bit on what it has been.

Even on Kangaroo Island it was only $1.43 a litre.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
@Bellbirdweb , got me intrigued, our van did 18,009kms this last 12 mths, a s+++t load of diesel was burnt and god knows how many shares I should have in the fuel companies, I'm too scared to add it up but it will be 40% less than a Nissan or Cruiser driver thats for sure. I seem to be around the 13lt/100 most times.
I might give the brake shoes a look and give the bearings a grease at the same time................

Today I put the camera on the roof and fed the wires thru the cupboard above the bed end, easier than I thought it would be, AC was running the whole time though.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2014
Maybe there A/C wasnt working :D

@Bellbirdweb , got me intrigued, our van did 18,009kms this last 12 mths, a s+++t load of diesel was burnt and god knows how many shares I should have in the fuel companies, I'm too scared to add it up but it will be 40% less than a Nissan or Cruiser driver thats for sure. I seem to be around the 13lt/100 most times.
I might give the brake shoes a look and give the bearings a grease at the same time................

Today I put the camera on the roof and fed the wires thru the cupboard above the bed end, easier than I thought it would be, AC was running the whole time though.

I averaged 23 l/100km on this trip, with the worst being 27 l/100.

I'm hoping the MaxChip improves it a little.

The wind was the main thing that caused me to use more. Still days I used a lot less.

With your camera, was that a reversing camera ? I've run the cable to the back of the car but haven't attempted the cable in the van as yet.