Exterior Camec 3point Doors


New Member
Feb 15, 2016
Perth, WA
Hi all,

I have had a hell of a time with my door but think I have mastered the art so thought I should share.

I went out to the van the other night and found that it was locked and the key would not turn. It actually seemed like the key just didn't quite go all the way in. So, I the 6yo in through the boot but it would not open from the inside either. After some jiggling of the key I fluked it and opened the door (dissapointing the kid who wanted to crawl out of the boot again!). However, when I locked it (with the door open this time) the lock was again jammed.

As the door was open, I began to disassemble the locking mechanism and got down to just the outer plate with the barrel - which just will not turn!

The lock was then taken to the local Jayco dealer for me (Thanks Dad!) and apparently they fiddled about with a pin of some sort and freed it up. This came with lesson #1 - NEVER remove the key while it is in the horizontal position - always return it to the upright position before removing.

So, when I returned home from work I planned to refit the lock - only what did I do - Removed the bloody key in the horizontal position!!!!! I said a few choice words about my own intellect!

Along comes lesson #2 - how to unjam it myself as I didn't want to admit my stupidity! I researched the net (including this forum), it seems many people have been in this boat before but no answers. Though my own fiddling (and the clue that the dealer used some sort of pin), I have worked out how to fix it. On the rear is a sprung sliding catch that is used to remove the barrel (but wont come out unless the barrel is turned 180 degrees...but it wont turn!). Slide this catch across and behind it is the plates/pins which are actuated by the key (only this is the outside of the barrel - not where the key goes). Push a small implement down there to push the pins into the barrel (I used a very small jewellers screwdriver) then while holding them in, push the key in and turn the barrel (I think as I pushed the key I had to retract the screwdriver from the back). It is now freed up - just remove the key in the upright position!

Reassembling the lock is easy - follow this guide (only it can be done without removing the barrel and outside lever) http://caravansplus.com.au/pdf/installcamecdoorlock.pdf.

I have now shown my older child which 3 screws need to be removed to remove the handle in case we need to send him in through the boot!

I hope this makes sense and saves someone else.

However, I think there is a flaw in the design if it is so easy to jam up by removing the key in the horizontal position.



Active Member
Jun 23, 2015
Tawonga Vic
Well researched.
I'm so paranoid about not taking the key out in the vertical position but at least I know we could get in, might have to carry a small person just in case!
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Dec 24, 2012
Bendigo Vic
Ive done all the above recommendations and still have problems intermitantly.I rang my service people and they told me to push the door where all 3 "LOCKS" are on the door.I found that worked ok.When I leave the outer shell door seperate from the security door the problem is back.
Solution = dont leave the doors seperated.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2012
Hills District, NSW
Hi @donnybabes,
I had the same issue as you. I needed to push the door in at the bottom slightly to get it to lock. I had a close look and adjusted the top and bottom strike plates on the door frame and hasn't had an issue so far. Took a bit of fiddling to get right, but I'm pretty happy.
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Dec 24, 2012
Bendigo Vic
I think I have a very tempremental lock, a bit like me in some ways.Ive done all of the suggestions above ( thanks for them ) but I still get the occassional locking.