So this weekend has been productive.
First on the list was a complete rework of the pipes under the van.
I went with 40mm pipes and ran one way valves on the vanity basin, shower and washing machine lines. I opted not to run a one way valve on the kitchen sink.
This is the pipe work starting from the washing machine end. The down pipe for the washing machine is on the outside of the main chassis. Hence the elaborate routing to get the pipe work to the inside of the main draw bar. The bulge to the right is the first of the one way valves. The height of pipe work is perfect as you will see in a couple of pics to follow.
This is the washing machine pipe work going down the left side of the chassis rail.
Pipe work continuing from washing machine down the back of van. The 40mm pipe fits perfectly through the square section of the chassis rail and provides a heap of stability to the line.
Pipe work now comes across to right hand side of the van. In the pic, the kitchen sink is picked up.
Pipe work continues across to right hand side of the van. Here you see the vanity basin being picked up. Note the second of the one way valves installed. Also note to the right of the pic the single outlet point that the flexible hose connects to.
We are now one the back right hand side of the van where you can see the new outlet point for the flexible hose. Note the pipe work continuing past the outlet point. This is to pick up the shower line.
And finally, the connection from the shower in the back most corner of the van. The pipe work for this connects up to the other side of the outlet point of the flexible hose.
Here is the new larger flexible hose. The 40mm pipe fits tightly around the flexible hose. Which means it is easy to just insert the piece of pipe attached to the flexible hose into the system under the van. If I ever need to run a longer piece of flexible hose, then it is easy to connect two pieces of hose together with an off cut piece of 40 mm pipe that I have put away for this purpose.