Exterior Tyre life


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2014
I've been sitting in the awning of my 14.44.3 for the last week at Somerset Dam contemplating not much and I started thinking about tyre life.

My Expanda was built in the 10th month of 2010 fully loaded she weighs 2 ton so that's a ton on each tyre, tyres are Savero AT 235/75,15 pasanger side is original drivers side is a 2014 model so this would be a great for the spare if I was to get two new ones.

There is nothing visually wrong with the tyres but I'm wondering what are other people's option on tyre life.

I've owned boats for 20 years the longest being 6 years and I never changed the tyres on the trailers but they weren't carrying a ton each, car tyres go till they wear out and this could take 10 or more years but again they don't carry a ton each, so I am curious as to what are your thoughts on tyre life?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
The recommendations are 4 -5 years then they are at their use by date, a number of reasons for this.......the Lr of tyres and rims should be 10% more than the max weight of the vehicle. You can cover your tyres when parked up, use curved things so you don't get flat spots when parked for long periods or even remove the wheels and put van on stands, all to protect your tyres, depends how pedantic you want to be.

If you go here it will explain it all to you............. http://www.carbibles.com/ just hit the tab you want to read.

On my 14.44.3 I chucked the original tyres as they were only rated for 900kgs and had 1ton rims, no good enough I thought so fitted new rims rated at 1200kg each with 1200kg tyres, or something like that but way better than the originals, these rims/tyres were also wider at 5 " which gave a better selection of rubber and way better ride on the road.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
good thought @Axl

I usually run the Car tyres until they are cactii, but have never had a Van or trailer long enough to think about their life

(my 8x5 trailer gets used once in a blue moon - I have had it for 25 + years, moved it for the first time in 5 years, but had to buy 2nd hand 13" tyres, as the old ones were disintegrated - $20 for 2 tyres - I think the last time I used it before that was about 5 years, and again only $20 for 2 tyres)
I only keep the trailer as it is a tilt (brake back) trailer


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
I'll give you $100 for the trailer....and the tilt back.

I need one.



Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
I'll give you $100 for the trailer....and the tilt back.

bugga orf

sodding thing cost me $200 in 1995........................
when I do use it, its worth its weight in GOLD - will carry 1.8T of yellow sand

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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Was only the other day I was trying to work out how long my trailers tyres had been on, I seem to recall I had some 2nd hand ones fitted about 2010 just after the first floods. Truck was in getting new shoes so I rummaged around in the old tyre pile and found some hardly worn for my trailer, no money changed hands so a great transaction. Might need replacing soon.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
You could have tried the backup at speed and hit the brakes, but the Patrol may no have stopped?

funny you say that, as the thought at the time DID cross my mind...............

or the weight transfer pops the hitch off the ball, oh what a great sight to see.....................lol,lol,lol.

and thats the reason why I did not try it.......
that and worried about the rear end hitting the ground before I could stop, and burying it

Careful.....he hasn't yet rejected my $120 offer!

He can keep the sand.


old old photo
sand is long gone

but, what could I buy with $120.............
I know, Bigcol's trailer................................... yeah..................... nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh