newbie getting the 17-56-2 in 10 days!


Active Member
Nov 9, 2011
Hi All,
We pick up our new 17.56-2 OB next weekend and have a few questions. We are using it in conjunction with a 2004 Nissan Patrol ST 3.0L TD.

1. Will we need to have anything done to the Patrol to tow the van? We aren't getting a treg hitch (just the normal one) and have the Nissan factory towbar. We have in the past towed a much lighter caravan (normal tow ball) and camper trailer (treg hitch) without any issues.

2. We wanted our van before xmas so rang around various dealers to see who has some coming in so we weren't able to 'custom build'.
We have the following included
14 foot roll out awning
front and back innersprings
roof aircon
150l fridge
CD stereo
Windup antenna
Andersen plug (we have one on the patrol)
I think we have the drop jacks too but can't see it on the final sale schedule. (we think we got a great price though!)
3. How big is the boot space? Do any of you have the dimensions of the opening?
4. Who are you insured with? Do you think they offer a great cover?
5. What caravan covers would you recommend? Are the $1400 worth the extra money?

Besides a TV, is there anything obvious that we'll be missing. What is involved in setting the OB up to run on batteries. We have a Honda generator (i20??)we can charge the batteries with but will probably look into solar down the track. There is just my Husband, myself, a 7 year old and a 17month old. We plan on putting our 7 year old on the top bunk and the 17 month old on the back bed (with a bed rail) and we'll use the front. We wanted the small dinette so the kids have an activity table inside for bad weather and when it's just too hot to be outside. We never used the annex on either our smaller caravan or the camper trailer so we don't believe we will need or use an annex.

Our 7 year old would love to take his bike. I have seen the over spare tyre bike rack, would something like this be suitable?

We will only be using the van for weekends away and the odd holiday that might go up to 2 weeks at a time.

We will be travelling 500km to pick the van up and on a weekend so if there's any modifications we need to do to the car I need to organise them quickly.

Many thanks for your help!



Active Member
Oct 6, 2011
Hi Andrea,

Welcome to the forum, it is a great place to gather information on the Expanda.

As to the patrol, I don't think too much will need to be done, as I too will be towing with a patrol when we get our Expanda. The dealer thought we might need a WDH, but will only know when we go to pick it up.

The OB already come wired ready for one battery, so all you will need to do is buy the battery.

Bike racks are another story, there are quite a few thread here to do with racks, some members resorting to making their own.

I hope you enjoy your new toy.


Active Member
Nov 9, 2011
Thanks Mick

I have just booked in for a brake controller to be put into the car next week and have logged a call to the dealer regarding the WDH. I have looked at all of those rather fancy bike setups! Very impressive but probably not needed for just one 20" bike. It fits in the back of the patrol anyway so we might do that yet. We're looking at getting some roof racks on the patrol and a few kayaks but have to do my research there too. Most of the places we will weekend visit seem to have dams or creeks.

Thanks heaps for the info about the battery. We have a second battery in the Patrol that we had fitted too so we'll always have a spare once we buy the new one.

And yes, we are looking forward to the new toy. I have bought the boys matching bed sets already and hope to get ours this weekend. We'll pull most of the plates etc from our other van which we just sold so shouldn't have a whole lot to buy. I want to find one of those adjustable shower rails so we can put one in the bathroom (the presure ones so I won't void the warranty). I've seen them around, just can't think of where at the moment lol!

We will stop over at our parents house on the way back and no doubt they'll give us some more hints and tips having spent 8 of the past 12 months on the road (not in an expanda though).

Cheers :)


New Member
Aug 22, 2011
Mandurah, WA
Hi Andrea,

Welcome to the forum, Few things you may want to look into as you say the brake controller, most say the variable controllers like the Prodigy P3 are the best (be sure to specify where they put the controller so the manual override is easily accessible and so you don't end up banging you're knee everytime you get in the car). Make sure that the dealer has a supply of drop down couplings for you're Patrol as the car will probably have a hitch that will be alot higher then the expanda, and the van most likely has a 12 pin connector where most cars have the 7 pin. Like Mick has said you really wont know if you will need the WDH and depending on how often you tow optiions like airbags or suspension upgrades might be worth looking into down the track.
Just some food for thought, and good luck. Gee I wish I only had 10 days to wait.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2011
Wandin North, Vic
Welcome Andrea, good choice of van too....hehe
As far as mods to the Patrol, the only thing I would recommend initially is a WDH, which you should be able to purchase from the dealer and have them set it up for you on delivery day.
The OB comes with a battery and will charge through the Anderson plug whilst driving. the battery will last a couple of days with the standard filament globes but if yours has LED's, then a while longer.
Solar is something I am looking at, but its not a necessity yet. I would suggest holding off and seeing if you really need it, especially if you already have a gennie.

It's fairly well specced already.

I'm sure others will advise also

Bank of Dad

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
Kilmore, VIC
Who are you insured with? Do you think they offer a great cover?

We use CIL and they are OK - haven't had to make a claim though. Premium is about on par with the others.

12 pin plug on the van will need an auto electrician and takes about an hour and should cost $150 ish to do.

Good luck with the van - not long for us too!


Active Member
May 13, 2011
We use CIL and they are OK - haven't had to make a claim though. Premium is about on par with the others.

12 pin plug on the van will need an auto electrician and takes about an hour and should cost $150 ish to do.

Good luck with the van - not long for us too!

1 hour and $150 is getting ripped off.

If you have the bigger fridge you will get the 12 pin plug standard. We where told it is part of the fridge upgrade package. When we picked up our van last year. The guys fitted a 12 pin to the car to match the van and took him about 20 mins. This included hooking up the "hot wire" i have installed already in the car. They did it for free. That said this was our second purchase from Jayco Newcastle in a matter of a year.

BTW congrates on the purchase. They Expanda is a great van. We only have the 18 month old so the 16 footer is great for us and the young fellow loves his own area in the van. He can spead all his toys and teddys all over the place... :)


Jan 23, 2011
Bathurst, NSW
Hi Andrea and welcome!
The other thing is you can improve the UHF part of the TV reception by the addition of a winegard wingman.
Have fun!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
Hi Andrea
Welcome and congrats on the purchase.
As per other comments - for the patrol I agree with Ben about air bags at some point. They aren't essential but really help the back of the wagon sagging down under weight of the van, plus anything else being carried, and also can be used to even the load (ie if a full Waeco type fridge on one side of the car). They'd set you back around $800 installed, and fit inside the existing suspension. (Good with or without the WDH)

There's been mention of both a 12 pin plug and the anderson plug by posters. Check with the dealer if it is '12 pin plus Anderson', or '7 pin plus Anderson'. As you are getting the 150 litre fridge, the Anderson may be wired to provide power to the fridge only (like mine is) and not charge the battery at all. However, one of the pins from the 7 or 12 pin plug can be used for the battery instead. So just confirm the set up and make sure the car is wired accordingly. The OB doesn't come with the battery as a standard inclusion, but instead, just completely ready to take one. We were told roughly $450 from Jayco, but you might do better elsewhere. Like the second on the Patrol, just make sure it's deep cycle. You may need additional wiring for solar though, as that is normally an extra. Again, confirm with the dealer.

Drop jacks - these are standard for OB models
I need to check the boot space opening flaps on mine also, but I did measure the internals the other day to be approx 530 wide and 320 high.
I went with CIL insurance also. AAMI who I have all my other policies with was another 30%
Can't comment on the cover as I'm wondering the same thing. We has a 'premier' on the camper previously and it wore through on edges such as bumper corners, jerry holders, top ring on gas bottles etc. I'm unlikely to go with that brand again.....



Active Member
Nov 9, 2011
Hi again,
Thanks so much for the replies :)

We have had the dealer change the pins to match the car. They recommended keeping the separate anderson plug for the bigger fridge, they indicated the 12 plug isn't enough for the larger fridges. Our contract has the pins to match our car so I hope that a good thing.

The dealer has confirmed that they do have the WDH in stock should we need one. They said that since we haven't lifted the vehicle it probably won't need it but I have asked them to ensure they have one there ready to install should we need it. I will talk to the other half about the airbags. I have to admit I was wondering why all these airbags were out while you were driving along lol!

Hmmm, what else was mentioned... Oh we wont have much weight in the back of the patrol. We are only doing weekends and 1-2 weeks so don't think we'll need the car space as well. No fridges or anything like that.

Ben, I hope your new baby arrives soon. We're in November now is it still on schedule?

Matty, we aren't in any hurry for solar. It more of a wish list thing :) I'm not sure how long the generator will take to charge the battery but it should be able to be running in daylight hours only. I'm hoping the gennie can power the aircon lol! I will have to search your threads for photos. Your "hybrid" with a few extras has me curious!

Bank of Dad: thanks for the tips. Good luck with your new baby too! Just in time to be a great xmas pressie I hope.

Stuart, with two boys we went for the 17 only because our 7 year old would kick the *rap out of the little one. Worst sleeper ever! (well he sleeps well just moves so much!) The big one will start in the bunk and by the time he outgrows it the little one will be hanging to be in the bunk so (in theory) should work :) Does your little one like camping??

Andrew: Thanks for all the info. I will drill the dealer when we pick up the van. Our auto electrician is only a short drive away so it's no real issue if it can't be done when we collect the van. I thought it had drop jacks - thanks. We were looking at an on-road model at one point and it was an extra on it. Interesting about the cover. I will need to do some homework on that one. We did think about putting up a car port but it will still need a cover as it will get the morning sun anyway. It will also make it a lot more difficult to drive it onto the slab with the posts in the way (speaking purely for myself and this comment does not in anyway indicate the the other half would agree ;p).

Getting excited now!!