Expand beds in the rain?


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
Cairns , NTH QLD
I seen on here someone got weather proof covers made to fit up under the roof where the privacy screens fit.

Up here in NTH QLD we can have up to or over a meter of rain fall over night in the wet season & be sun shinning the very next day.
Is there a manufacturer of these because I would love to get some before the sh?? hits the fan so to speak with myself getting jabbed in the ribs by the missus at 2 in the morning saying the kids bed & ours is saturated .

Prevention in my books is almost always better than the cure.


cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
What people with them have done is got them manufactured by a local canvas manufacturer after taking delivery of there Expandas so they are a neat fit. That way they can be held on with the original press studs that hold on the privacy screens.


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
Cairns , NTH QLD
Cheers Cruiser , There maybe a Niche there for someone perhaps travelling round promoting such a product for the Expanda .....Mmmmmmmmm. Lol !

Me being me would have thought, well new to the whole caravan thing , that there would have been a manufacturer of these if not Jayco. But anyway, thats what I will do mate. Thank you.


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
G'day Doggy. I started this screen thing some time back http://www.expandasdownunder.com/showthread.php/252-Privacy-Screens.

Some things we have found while travelling. The screen is great, it has kept the inner canvas dry in wet weather and it does work as an insulator in cold nights while still allowing air to come in open vents. It also folds up under the lid exactly the same as the mesh screen, in fact we stored the mesh sceen inside the canvas one before we closed the lid.

Our mistake was just taking the mesh screen to the canvas makerand asking him to do a canvas version of it. When we picked it up he said he had problems positioning the press studs as the mesh screen stretched in all directions. We fitted it up and all the press studs did up but some were stretched tight and one windy night one stud popped off and then the wind got in everywhere and the ends came off flapping. It was no big deal but my suggestion to you would be to take the van to the canvas maker and get him to fit it to the van. :yo:

Moto Moto

Forum Moderator
Staff member
Mar 15, 2011
The Gong
Ours has only had light rain so far so haven't really tested it properly yet. Has made winter camping easier though, definitely noticed it being warmer.

The press studs on ours didn't seem to hold the heavier canvas too well, so our canvas guy also fitter some small clips (he called them stay puts) and we never have a problem.

I mentioned to our canvas guy that he should advertise that he makes them, but he said one size does not fit all, and he would always need the van for a proper fitting.